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Chartashia Miller serves as the Secretary for the State Conference of the National Association for the  Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) which represents Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming. She also  serves as Secretary and Youth Advisor of the NAACP Aurora, Colorado. As an officer of the NAACP, she encourages membership, the public to register to vote, and solidifies the resolve of voters to vote in  local and national elections. Additionally, supporting the record keeping of all memberships, sending  meeting notices, updating members on community collaborations, and supporting the president and  executive committee.  

Ms. Miller upholds the mission and vision of the NAACP The mission is to achieve equity, political  rights, and social inclusion by advancing policies and practices that expand human and civil rights,  eliminate discrimination, and accelerate the well-being, education, and economic security of Black people  and all persons of color. We envision an inclusive community rooted in liberation where all persons can  exercise their civil and human rights without discrimination.  

Ms. Miller serves on the City of Aurora Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) committee, she is the Statewide  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Colorado Holiday Commission Executive Administrative Assistant, and is the  liaison between Aurora and Denver. She commits her life to servitude and charity by serving as the Board  Chair for the Struggle of Love Foundation. Her dedication to others covers over 15+ years of service  within Aurora/Denver. 

Ms. Miller ensures annually those who are in need are provided the necessities - foodstuffs, toiletries, and  gifts - through a Thanksgiving Food Drive in partnership with the Struggle of Love Foundation. 

Ms. Miller partners with the APD, Aurora mental health, CCA, City of Aurora, YAASPA, and many  other organizations to ensure the youth are active and supported. 

Ms. Miller devotes her time and faith to her church community at “For His Glory Christian Fellowship”  through prayer for the community, dedication to Women Empowerment, singing in the choir when time  permits, and the usher ministry. 

Ms. Miller is an Ambassador of the Aurora Chamber of Commerce. 

Ms. Miller is the Founder of Touch & Go Ladies (TGL) a social group started in 2009. 

Ms. Miller Owner of TT Coaching With Results - Chartashia coaches on resume writing, career building,  and life skills for ages 12 and up in a three week workshop in person or virtual. Reviving the village  ensures each young person receives a chance to interview, present their best selves, and understand life  skills not provided in a classroom. 

Ms. Miller has founded a round table for youth to engage in a trustworthy space to discuss what is  happening in their world, and to enhance their future with communicating with various community  partners and resources. “Let’s Talk About It” founded in 2023. 

Chartashia Miller is a mother and for this reason dedicates her time and energy to the youth and her  community.

About Me: About Me
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